Wednesday, June 4, 2008

E! Channel

Last night before i went to bed i was surfing the dish for something to watch.... I came across the E! channel(114).. The show was E! investigates prom nightmare's!! So the title caught my attention so of course i tuned in... It told stories about all these kids in high school that had nightmare prom's, from girls getting taken advantage of, to kids that died of alcohol poising.. and in true E! channel form they of course interview all the people's family involved.. When i got done watching this i was so scared to go to prom!! Wow its a good thing that i have already gone... Then i realized that was the dumbest thing I've ever watched on TV!! Wanna know what the scariest thing that i experienced prom night?? Running out of gas in my car.. Leave it to the E channel to make me scared to go to prom wow i hate that!! Oh it gets better.. E! top 20 moments going postal!! That's what was next.. Top 20 moments of people that do random shootings?!?!? Wow now we are ranking shootings?? The only thing i want a countdown of is casey cassem counting down songs of the week!! Columbine was 2nd Virgina Tech was number 1... Hey people if we stop covering this maybe these stupid things will stop!! Now some kid is watching this saying to himself i can be number 1 thanks E channel!!! I could go on and on about this.. They have more E investigates kidnappings.. E investigates love behind bars... E investigates spring break nightmare's? When does it stop?? Oh ya when people like me stop watching this stupid stuff... So today will be the day i stop with those E investigates.... Just show me the soup!!


Lucky 7s said...

And they call that crap E!ntertainment!!

Griff said...

Top 10 scariest things:
1) How are my kids with new families going to make it with Gas going to $4.25 a gallon?
2) Even though interest rates seems to be good-- how are my kids going to qualify for a new home with Loan to Value rates at 60 %
3) How can they buy Milk if it goes above 5 bucks a gallon
4) Those of my kids getting an education how can they work and go to school and be successful?
5) My Grand kids??-- how on earth will they ever afford things?
6) If the crash happens will I be in a position to help?
7) If I buy a cow for the 80 acres--- who will milk it-- If I get chickens who will help gather the eggs?
8) If the school system fails and my Grand Kids cant attend school-- will they survive on my math skills?
9) If we are invaded by a foreign county will I have a gun ??
10) Will I be able to support myself ??

These are the scariest things in my world-- screw a prom night slasher--- will I make it through a failure of the country ?? SCARED

Kalli said...

Ricky rick you kill me keep posting cause I just laugh and laugh at all the stuff you talk about. Oh and how are you?