Saturday, February 14, 2009

Jeans anyone

I just want to know how much did you pay for your most expensive jeans! I know it sounds weird but it's an experiment that I'm doing! So don't be shy and speak on it! Oh and don't worry im still alive and to those people that keep asking me that, here is and idea.. get on a plane and come see me! Half of my family fly's free!


Annie said...

Does this have to do with your conversation with Randy last night? Technically speaking, Randy has bought my expensive jeans but the most expensive ones were probably 160-ish...again, I would never buy them for myself but he spoils me once or twice a year. Happy Valentines Day Rick, love you!

Jennikunz said...

probably 30 bucks.

Rusty and Collette said...

I don't remember the price, but they were Diesel jeans and they were my most favorite jeans ever. I looked online to see how much Diesel's run and I see around $200-$250.

Anonymous said...

I bought some Lucky's for a $90. Did I get screwed?

P.S. Once youv'e been to Portland twice, there really isn't anything left to do there.

huggin said...

I think they were like 200 -something? But I used my discount and I think i got them for like 160. Genius. here's an idea, you should just come visit here more often, i don't fly for free... and I miss you...

rick said...

Lynn im not even gonna answer that question! You love p town! and thank you all for your participation! I got what i needed

Lucky 7s said...

Whew.. so you didn't need my answer! I think $50 is too much for jeans!!